«Star Wars: Mace Windu – The Twilight Run» is a comic book series published by Marvel Comics in 2024. The series is written by Marc Bernardin, with artwork by Georges Jeanty and ChrisCross. The story is set in the years before the Clone Wars and follows Mace Windu, known for his discipline and combat prowess, as he tries to prevent a dangerous secret from falling into the wrong hands.
The plot kicks off when Mace, along with the smuggler Azita Cruuz, is pursued by a bounty hunter hired by the Hutts on the refinery moon Ro Mira. They are trying to stop the scientist’s discovery, known as Coaxium Ultra, which could upset the balance of the galaxy.
The series collects four issues and includes material from «Star Wars: Revelations.» It was released as a trade paperback in August 2024