(Image: Stormtrooper by nalik25390 from Pixabay)
Ever wondered if your favorite musicians or actors have a secret love affair with lightsabers and space battles? You’d be surprised at how many A-listers have sneaked into the Star Wars universe, not as leading heroes or notorious villains, but in blink-and-you-miss-it cameos.
Let’s dive into the series and uncover these star-studded appearances.
Ed Sheeran

(Image: «Ed Sheeran» by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity Photographer – CC BY-SA 2.0.)
Remember that heart-wrenching scene in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker? No, not that one. The one with… okay, fine, every scene feels like a heart-wrencher. But hidden among the rebels in this masterpiece was none other than Ed Sheeran. That’s right, the Shape of You singer swapped his guitar for stormtrooper armor, blending in with the ranks of the First Order. Did you spot him? Neither did we, but knowing he’s there makes it all the more cooler.
Daniel Craig

(Image: «daniel-craig-omega-da-man» by discutivo – CC BY-SA 2.0.)
Daniel Craig had his undercover stint as a stormtrooper in The Force Awakens. Bond, James Bond, found himself not shaking or stirring martinis but getting Jedi mind-tricked by Rey. It’s a small but memorable moment, showcasing that even in a galaxy far, far away, 007 can’t resist a cameo.
Tom Hardy

(Image: «Tom Hardy Locke Premiere» by Tim Cornbill – CC BY-SA 2.0.)
Tom Hardy, known for his roles in Inception and Mad Max: Fury Road, donned the white armor for a cameo in The Last Jedi. His scene, which didn’t make the final cut but lives on in fan lore and deleted scenes, features Hardy as a stormtrooper recognizing Finn from their First Order days. The encounter is both humorous and awkward, adding a layer of levity to the intense saga.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt

(Image: «Joseph Gordon-Levitt…» by TechCrunch – CC BY 2.0.)
Joseph Gordon-Levitt, a frequent collaborator with The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson, lent his voice for a cameo that’s as unique as it is easy to miss. He voices Slowen Lo, an alien resident of the casino city Canto Bight. Named after a Beastie Boys song (“Slow and Low”), Slowen Lo’s complaint about a parking violation adds a touch of everyday realism to the space fantasy.
But Gordon-Levitt’s ties to the Star Wars saga don’t end there. In a more prominent role, he brings to life the character of Jay in Star Wars: Visions, diving deeper into the universe’s lore.
George Lucas

(Image:»George Lucas…» by nicolas genin from Paris, France – CC BY-SA 2.0)
The maker himself, George Lucas, couldn’t resist stepping into his creation in Revenge of the Sith. Dressed as a Pantoran man called Baron Papanoida, Lucas is barely recognizable under blue makeup and exotic attire. This cameo is a fitting tribute to the man who started it all, allowing him to literally stand within the world he built.
Rose Byrne

(Image: «Rose Byrne» by Eva Rinaldi Celebrity Photographer – CC BY-SA 2.0.)
Before she was making us laugh in Bridesmaids, Rose Byrne appeared in Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones as Dormé, handmaiden to Padmé Amidala. Her role is small but significant, adding to the depth of Padmé’s entourage and the intricate politics of Coruscant. Byrne’s presence in the saga is a testament to the franchise’s knack for attracting rising stars.
Simon Pegg

(Image: «Simon Pegg…» by Mingle MediaTV – CC BY-SA 2.0.)
Simon Pegg’s love for Star Wars is well-documented, making his cameo in The Force Awakens as Unkar Plutt, the junk dealer on Jakku, a dream come true for the actor. Behind layers of prosthetics, Pegg is almost unrecognizable, but his voice gives him away. It’s a small role but one that Pegg relished, connecting him forever to the franchise he adores.
Sofia Coppola

(Image: «Sofia Coppola Cannes 2014» by Georges Biard – CC BY-SA 3.0.)
In Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, Sofia Coppola appears as Saché, one of Queen Amidala’s handmaidens. The role is a blink-and-you-miss-it appearance, but it’s a fascinating connection between the Star Wars universe and film royalty. Coppola’s cameo links her indelibly to the expansive galaxy of Star Wars, bridging the gap between indie cinema and blockbuster filmmaking.
Warwick Davis

(Image: «Warwick Davis…» by John Manard… – CC BY 2.0.)
Warwick Davis was just 11 when he first appeared in the Star Wars saga as Wicket, the Ewok who befriends Princess Leia in Return of the Jedi. Since then, Davis has appeared in various roles across the franchise, making him a recurring face in the galaxy far, far away. His cameos across the films serve as easter eggs for fans and a nod to his enduring relationship with the series.
Wrapping Up
Famous people from diverse backgrounds making cameos in movies is nothing new. From Vermont senator Patrick Leahy in Batman Forever, to Green Bay Packers quarterback Brett Favre in There’s Something About Mary, these special appearances bridge different worlds and add a layer of excitement to the film-watching experience. The Star Wars franchise is no different, embracing this tradition with open arms.
Whether it’s musicians as stormtroopers or filmmakers in alien costumes, the Star Wars universe is peppered with familiar faces—if you know where to look. Next time you watch a Star Wars film, keep your eyes peeled. You never know who you might spot.