The 327th Get All the Worst Assignments (Clone Wars) 1

The 327th Star Corps was a military corps of the Grand Army of the Republic, composed of clone troopers bred to fight for the Galactic Republic. Led by Jedi General Aayla Secura and her trusted clone Commander, CC-5052 «Bly,» the 327th fought against the Separatist droid armies on multiple planets across the galaxy. On the eve of the Clone Wars‘ conclusion, a group of 327th troopers executed Secura in accordance with Order 66.

The 327th Star Corps was a corps within the Grand Army of the Republic under the command of Jedi GeneralAayla Secura and Clone Marshal CommanderCC-5052 «Bly.»[3] At the start of the Clone Wars, the 327th Star Corps was equipped with the standard Phase I clone trooper armor.[7] Later, they discarded their first armor in favor of the more advanced Phase II model. The clones customized the new armor with distinctive yellow markings that identified their affiliation with the 327th. In addition to the colorized pattern design, the 327th soldiers wore pauldrons and kamas with their armor.

Por Diego