Ochi, also known as Ochi of Bestoon, was a humanoid alien male assassin and devotee of the Sith Order. His career spanned decades, from the fall of the Galactic Republic to the rise of the New Republic. Ochi possessed a personal knife used to commit acts of murder, and had head implants. Trained in combat and martial skills, Ochi was very capable fighter and lent his services to both the Galactic Empire and the criminal underworld.
Born on Bestoon and was a member of the Assassin’s Guild, Ochi had been since the time of the Clone Wars been a Jedi hunter and seeker of Sith arcana, and had joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. During the Imperial Era, Ochi was associate of the advisor Yupe Tashu and an assassin in service of Darth Sidious. Ochi also an operative of Lady Qi’ra and the Crimson Dawn after the Battle of Hoth.
He continued to work after the Galactic Civil War, throwing in with both the Acolytes of the Beyond and the Sith Eternal cults. Ochi was sent by the reborn Darth Sidious to retrieve the latter’s granddaughter Rey. When the girl’s parents denied him her location, the huntsman killed them, sealing her fate as the only blood-relative of the fallen Emperor. Later, after he drunkenly bragged of knowing the secret location of Sidious in a cantina, Ochi was tracked by Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and his companion Lando Calrissian to Pasaana, where the assassin became stranded under its desert sands and died.