Darth Bandon was a Human male Jedi Padawan who defected to the Sith Empire during the Jedi Civil War, a conflict initiated by the Sith Lords Darth Revan and Darth Malak. Sometime after Malak betrayed his Master, Revan, during an ambush by the Jedi and Republic forces attempting to capture them, Bandon became the new Dark Lord’s first Shadow Hand, elevating him to second-in-command of the Sith Empire. When the Sith attacked the Republic warship Endar Spire above the planet Taris, Bandon boarded the ship along with the Sith troopers and Dark Jedi under his command and tried to capture the Jedi Knight Bastila Shan. He killed the Republic ensign Trask Ulgo, who sacrificed himself to save the former Sith Lord Revan, who had been mentally reprogrammed to be loyal to the Republic and to serve as a common soldier by the Jedi Council.
Shortly after the destruction of Taris, the bounty hunter Calo Nord was hired by Malak to follow in pursuit of Shan, who escaped the bombardment with the help of Revan and his companions. After Nord was slain by Revan, Malak dispatched Bandon to find and capture the Jedi. Bandon located Revan in Manaan’s underwater kolto harvesting base known as Hrakert Station, on the Selkath homeworld Manaan. The Sith apprentice confronted Revan and his allies after they found a fourth Star Map that would give them the location of the Star Forge—the ancient Rakatan space station under Malak’s control. Bandon underestimated the former Dark Lord and his companions, assuming that they would be no match for him. This proved to be his downfall, as Revan and his team vanquished Malak’s Shadow Hand, along with the two Dark Jedi accompanying him. After his death, Bandon’s head was severed from his body and preserved by the Sith. Three hundred years later, it had eventually been put on display in the House Alde Royal Museum on Alderaan.