Cloud City Was Originally Going To Be An Imperial City 1

Cloud City was a tibanna gas mining colony floating in the clouds of the planet Bespin, located in the Anoat sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Under the auspices of Baron Administrator Lando Calrissian, the city attempted to avoid unwanted Imperial attention. Eventually, Imperial forces occupied the station and installed a garrison. However, after the Emperor’s apparent death, the Imperial Garrison was abandoned during the Iron Blockade, and the planet was soon liberated.

Cloud City was a completely man-made tibannagasmining colony staff hovering over the gas giantBespin, occupied by millions of workers, tourists and support staff. Located in Bespin’s Life Zone, the station had no need for airlocks or life support systems, with the atmosphere comprised mostly of oxygen and acceptable levels of gravity and temperature. The station was situated 59,000 kilometers above Bespin’s core, while its disk was approximately 16.2 kilometers in diameter. 36,000 repulsorlift engines and tractor beamgenerators kept the giant city floating above the planet. It contained 392 levels, along with platforms and rooms for residents and visitors. The top 50 levels of the city were used as a luxury resort, renowned for its famous casinos such as Yarith Bespin and Pair O’Dice, while the lower levels housed workers and catered for the mining and processing of tibanna gas. The city had a controlled environment that meant residents did not have to worry about the weather.

Did you know that Cloud City was actually designed for A New Hope? And it was to be called Alderaan? And it was meant to be an Imperial base? Obviously a lot of things and ideas were shifted and simplified for the first Star Wars movie, but George really liked the idea of a city in the clouds. He said, “The thing about writing is that ideas aren’t precious; you have to get over the idea that everything you think up is brilliant. You have to be willing to throw it away. Usually, if I like something I very often end up using it somewhere else later on.” And of course he did in The Empire Strikes Back!

Por Diego