Who Was Supposed to be In the Empty Death Star Chair? 1

Inside of the Death Star Conference room, high ranking imperials from all branches of the empire’s army, navy, imperial security bureau and more gathered to hold meetings. Here they would discuss matters of the utmost importance for the empire and make decisions about future plans and attacks. One chair however was empty when Darth Vader and Tarkin entered the meeting room in a new hope. So who’s chair was this?

Awesomely, this chair actually belonged to Director Orson Krennic of the Imperial Department of Advanced weapons research, the main man behind the construction of the death star. After learning that the Death Star plans may be vulnerable to attack, he travelled to the tropical world of Scarif to ensure that everything was locked down tight and eventually confronted Rebels Cassian Andor and Jyn Erso. He failed to protect the death star plans however and was killed after the weapon he helped to create was fired on Scarif, killing everyone on the planet thus leaving his seat unattended in a new hope.

Por Diego