Star Wars: Forgotten Enemy - Fan Film 2021 1

«Death is only the beginning. Jedi Knights Johan Nezalith and Garian Cowl find themselves at the heart of a centuries old feud when their archeological expedition takes an unexpected turn.»

«AList Productions- or Andrew List- acts as the assistant director, cinematographer and the artist for most of the VFX of Forgotten Enemy. The rest of the team is completed with Bobby Devlin (writer, actor and director), Joshua Lawson (story and actor), Jonathan Morgan (actor) and Kim Devlin (actor) as well as Parademics who provided some the music.»

Here is the Star Wars fan film I was apart of earlier this year! So happy with the final result and I hope you enjoy it too! I had the privilege of being brought onto this film as Assistant Director, Cinematographer for the production and for post the majority of VFX and majority of color correction. Hope you enjoy! Likes, comments and shares are appreciated and encouraged!

WRITER / DIRECTOR – Bobby Devlin ASSISTANT DIRECTOR – Andrew List CINEMATOGRAPHER – Andrew List STORY – Bobby Devlin, Jonathan Morgan & Joshua Lawson MUSIC – Parademics, VFX – Andrew List Additional VFX – Julian Bell ( ) , Al Jones 3D Model – Zion Davis ( )

ACTORS Bobby Devlin, Joshua Lawson, Jonathan Morgan, Kim Devlin, Ryan Lawson Full list of credits plays after the film.


Special Thanks to our Screeners «The premise was engaging, and felt like a true Star Wars narrative. Everything felt authentic to the saga, and it’s clear from the atmosphere and tone that this was made by true Star Wars fans. Visuals were fantastic and I expect nothing less from you on that front because you’re incredible at it.» – Gavin J Konop, Director/Writer Spider-Man: Lotus

«This is very unique and original. Very great concept.» – Star Wars Elseworlds

«A fan film that takes Star Wars to new heights. There is heart, humor, and tremendous care that brought this film to life!» -Wonder Meg, ComicBookDebate

«This is a well-crafted fan film! It feels like Star Wars on a Power Rangers budget, and I mean that as a compliment. The special effects are crafted nicely and the editing specifically is superb. The story is fun to follow and fits nicely into its 15 minute without trying to do too much.» -Chris Killian,

Por Diego