The Jedi Who Discovered the Earliest DARK TROOPER Variant 1

In the final days of the Clone Wars, Jedi Master Saesee Tiin was dispatched to the numbingly cold Mid-rim world of Diado, after the Jedi council received shocking reports of a brand new model of separatist battle being created there. Once master tiin uncovered the hidden separatist weapons factory, he was floored to discover a highly advanced droid model, which unbeknownst to him, would serve as a precursor to the Sentry droids used by the Kaminoans at the citadel training ground and thrawn, and likely later evolving into the Dark Troopers used by the Imperial remnant. So how did the mission pan out? Lets find out.

So the story begins in the town centre of Diado, where the local citizens are sitting around a blazing fire, and enjoying a range of warm meals, trying to shield themselves from the freezing cold weather of this desolate world. One mysterious hooded figure is sitting alone, simply enjoying his meal, when two of the locals walk up to him, and are suspicious because they haven’t seen him around town before. The town’s tough guy then picks up the mysterious figure’s bowl and empties it onto the floor in an attempt to embarrass the robed man, while blaming it on him… The weasly man than turns to the rest of the town’s people and his crew, teasing the robed figure and telling them “don’t you think he should clean up his mess, boys”, before bursting into laughter.

The boss then pulls the robe draped man out of his seat, and thrusts him to the ground, arrogantly demanding that he clean his boots. At this point, the person underneath the robe has had enough, and to the absolute shock of the blue jacketed boss, he gets flipping onto his back with only one hand, sending him crashing into a nearby table. This causes absolutely embarrassment for the entire crew, leading them to draw their blasters. Unfortunately for them however, the figure lowers his hood and ignites a bright blue lightsaber, revealing that he is jedi master, Saesee Tiin.

Following this, Master Tiin makes easy work of these scoundrels, slicing each of their blasters in half, leaving them completely and utterly useless. After realizing that they have no chance against the Jedi master, they scram, but the other citizens quickly rise up from their tables and prepare to mob the Jedi Master out of town because they don’t want any trouble..

Luckily for master Tiin, a young lady walks up to him and whisks him away from the crowd to safety, explaining that the guy from earlier was called Birok, and his gang is employed by the separatists… Because of this connection, they’ll be back very shortly, this time with battle droids. The young lady tells Saesee Tiin that things have been pretty bad since the separatis took control of the planet, before introducing herself as Na-Jia. Master Tiin returns the gesture, but out of nowhere he demands that she hand his lightsaber back. During her introduction, Na-Jia pickpocketed the Master’s weapon away from him… Not the best idea to try this on a Jedi.

Por Diego