Why Pantora WELCOMED the Empire After the Clone Wars 1

After the clone wars came to an end and the new Galactic Empire was formed by Palpatine, the Clone Troopers of the Empire were quickly deployed to every former Republic world, in order to maintain peace, order and security after the war… At least according to Palpatine… Instead of viewing the heightened military presence as a way to bring order to the galaxy, many planets were furious and felt like a iron fist was being brought down on them… Surprisingly however, Pandora didn’t view the empire this way, and instead welcomed it with open arms, in stark contrast to many other worlds. So why did they do this? Well, the sinister fate of Senator Riyo Chuchi probably has something to do with it.

During the Batch Batch’s adventures across the Galaxy, they found themselves stuck on the moon Pantora after requiring some repairs and refuelling for their ship. After leaving their ship with a very dodgy repairman at the landing port, Clone Force 99 eventually make their way into the centre of town, where they see something they really just don’t expect. Marching down the street, is a large group of Clone Troopers, brothers of Clone Force 99, in a show of force to the Pantorran citizens. Instead of being booed or heckled by the Pantoran citizens, the clone Troopers are Cheered and celebrated as heroes of Pantora, and heroes of the Galaxy for bravely putting their lives on the line to win the war against the traitorous separatists.

So why was the Empire Welcomed here when so many other planets rebelled against them? Well unlike those planets, a large chunk of the Pantoran population fully supported the Empire. Part of this stemmed from the Separatist blockade of Pantora by Lott Dodd, who tried get them to join the separatists, which was never forgotten by the Pantoran people. Massive violent riots and conflict was caused during this time, making it a very dark time in the history of Pantora. Because of this, many of the citizens of the moon naturally gravitated towards the Empire, because they were formerly the Republic, who defeated the cruel separatists, and promised to bring order and security to the Galaxy, so that separatists would never rise again. As a result, the Empire had enough support on Pantora to not face a complete uprising… Now the moon wasn’t completely in support of the Empire, with some groups beginning to form in order to resist the Empire’s rule…

These groups had very little support for the initial years of the Empire, until some time later when Pantora was completely cut off from the rest of the Galaxy by the Empire, and were left in a very dire situation, having both their supply lines and food cut off, as well as having their influence in Galactic politics fade. Struggling to come to grips with their new situation, the Pantoran Assembly, the legislative body of the System, split into three main factions. The first group was called “The Appeasers”, and they believed that the only way to rebuild their galactic influence and ensure safety and security for Pantora, they must do everything in their power to integrate with the Empire and submit to a huge military presence on their moon… They believed that without the direct approval from Palpatine and other high ranking imperials, their moon had no chance of economic success, and would soon be destroyed by the might of the Empire. The appeasers were the largest faction on Pantorra, resulting in increasing imperial influence, wherever they could implement it. Obviously, this stance caused a lot of controversy with the other parts of the local population who didn’t share their beliefs, leading another faction to form…

Por Diego