Star Wars The Bad Batch Season 1 - Cornered Episode Review 1

It can safely be said that the first quarter of Star Wars: The Bad Batch has been a game of pit stops. Of course, when you’re an outlaw clone unit on the lam from a newly-forged Empire looking to put the kibosh on all manner of clones—and they apparently have unfathomable plans for your new clone charge who is definitely more than what she appears to be—leap-frogging from one planet to the next just to get a little breathing room would seem essential. Not to mention exhausting.

Hunter, Echo, Wrecker, Tech, and Omega have charted a tireless zig-zag course during these first four episodes, bopping from Kamino to Saleucami to a barren moon and, this week, to Pantora, in the hopes of finding a moment to get their bearings since the declaration of Order 66 flipped everything upside down and installed the brutal Emperor Palpatine to a place of Imperial permanence. The Bad Batch, formerly Clone Force 99, have rebelled against their Kaminoan programming and are now considered serious liabilities to a new galactic order that doesn’t tolerate dissent. So, naturally, rest doesn’t come easy.

Making matters worse: the Batch is out of food and the Empire has made their hunt for Omega and her found family public by tossing them onto a wanted list, which brings a thrilling Star Wars inevitability to The Bad Batch:bounty hunters.

Por Diego