Anakin and Ahsoka Helped ROB a Casino "For The Republic" 1

During the Clone Wars, money was flowing into separatist hands from a variety of underworld, criminal and black market sources, including underground casinos. One of these Casinos was owned and operated by the Besaddi crime, who were the sworn enemies of Jabba’s the Hutt’s clan. Once the Republic found out about their little operation, they dispatched General Anakin Skywalker and his apprentice Ahsoka tano to blow the entire casino vault pieces, killing anyone inside and destroying the massive fortune held there… So, lets find out how it went…

The story begins, in the busy sky lanes of the casino planet Katalla, home to the Besaddii clan’s most profitable casino… The planet mostly served as a playground for the rich and famous of the galaxy, with millions and millions of galactic credits flowing through the establishment on th spin of a wheel, the turn of a card, or the endurance of a monkey lizard… If you can think of something… you can probably gamble on it here.

On this particular night however, a stealthy criminal named Kanto Raka is betting on a different gamble. This one is nearly a kilometre beneath the casino’s floor. Kanto managed to obtain the architectural plans and all of the locations of the security deterrents for the Casino’s underground vault, and has spent the entirety of the lat five months planning his next move. He’s aiming to commit the perfect crime and has prepared for absolutely every contingency… We’ll see how that goes.

A few moments after lowering himself down in the vault network below, he begins to recall of all of the directions that’s he’s memorised over the last five months, carefully traversing the winding and weaving corridors. At this point, the professional vault robber is convinced that nothing can go wrong. He’s planned for everything, so how can something go wrong…

Unfortunately, he never considered the possibility of running into a pair of Jedi… and not just any Jedi.. These Jedi will not make life easy for a criminal, Anakin and Ahsoka. Kanto is stunned and shouts out to the pair, stuttering as he asks what they are doing down here… And why they smell like sewer… Anakin however isn’t having any of it, firmly responding back to the criminal that he’ll be the one asking the questions here.

Por Diego