Shmi Skywalker Lars, as the oldest known Skywalker ancestor, was the Human mother of the Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, as well as step-mother to Owen Lars and the paternal grandmother of Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa Solo. This made her the great-grandmother of Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo, the latter who was named for her son, as well as Ben Skywalker. This also made her the great-great-grandmother of Allana Solo. She was also an ancestor of Nat Skywalker, Kol Skywalker, Cade Skywalker, and Ania Solo.

Born on an unknown world, Shmi was sold into slavery at an early age. In 41 BBY, she gave birth to a son she named Anakin, who also served as a slave. She cared for her son greatly, and was willing to do anything to help him. After Anakin left to become a Jedi in 32 BBY, she was sold to Cliegg Lars, who freed her and married her. Just before the Clone Wars, Shmi died in her son’s arms after being brutally tortured by a band of Tusken Raiders.

Por Diego