The Cloud-Riders, also known as Enfys Nest’s marauders, were a pirate gang led by Enfys Nest during the reign of the Galactic Empire that rode swoop bikes. Nest inherited leadership of the Cloud-Riders from her deceased mother. At some point the gang encountered Han Solo. There, they revealed themselves as rebels that wanted revenge on the crime lords who persecuted the inhabitants of resource-rich planets and wanted to fight the Empire. Years later, whilst undertaking a job for Jabba Desilijic Tiure, Solo saw a Caelli-MercedSkyblade-330 and noted that he hadn’t seen one since his run-in with Nest’s marauders.
The Nihil were a group of marauders who were active during the High Republic Era. Based in the Outer Rim Territories, the Nihil caused havoc throughout the galaxy and were responsible for various incidents, such as an attack on Trymant IV and the torching of the planet Nelgenam. The Nihil were obsolete by the time of the Galactic Empire, though rhetoric and imagery associated with the marauders survived, as did their technology, such as the design of the Path engine.