The Legend of Revan (As Told by Kreia) 1

Kreia (pronounced /ˈkɹeɪə/) was an unconventional and highly controversial Force-sensitive Human female exiled Jedi Master who took upon herself to build a new Jedi Order of her vision in freeing sentient beings of the galaxy from being enslaved to the will of the Force. Though Kreia’s belief in a liberated galaxy led her to a descent into the dark side of the Force and eventually her becoming the bitter Sith Lord Darth Traya /ˈtɹeɪə/ and her consolidation of a Sith Order from fallen Jedi, Kreia was betrayed once more by her own Sith apprentices, leading her to set aside the dark side and take on a quest of cleansing. The former Darth Traya found the Jedi Exile, a Human female named Meetra Surik, whom Kreia took on as her teacher. Through the Exile, Kreia brought down the Jedi still remaining from the Sith’s purge previously initiated by her, the remnants of her Sith Order, and an emerging Sith, the Jedi Master Atris, before ultimately completing Meetra Surik’s training by forcing the exiled Jedi to let her die.

Kreia was a Jedi Master and historian who was exiled by the Jedi High Council because her students followed the Jedi Knight Revan, her former Padawan, into battle against Mandalorians invading the Galactic Republic. After Kreia withdrew from the Jedi, she retraced Revan’s footsteps to the Sith world Malachor V, being drawn to its echoes in the Force. There, she discovered the Trayus Academy and turned to the dark side of the Force, proclaiming herself a Sith. Taking up the mantle Darth Traya following the Jedi Civil War, the Jedi exile searched for other wounds in the Force, and discovered two men who became her apprentices, Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus. With the two, she formed and became the Dark Lord of the Sith Triumvirate, at war with the Jedi and ruling over the remnants of the Sith forces left from the Jedi Civil War.

Por Diego