While having drinks with his former superior officer, Migs Mayfeld mentioned that he was present during Operation Cinder, Palpatine’s despicable contingency plan that would decimate many imperial worlds after his death, because he believed that if the Empire could not defend it’s emperor, then it did not deserve to exist.

After the creation of the Galactic Empire and the destruction of the Jedi Order Palpatine created many contingency plans in case he was killed during his reign. One of these was known as Operation Cinder. Palpatine believed that if he were to ever perish unexpectedly, then the empire did not even deserve to live on beyond him.

Because of this strong belief, he entrusted a man named Gallius Rax, who had known Palpatine since he was only a young boy, to watch over the construction of his dark observatory on Jakku, to be used in Operation Cinder many years later. Make sure you remember this, as it will be very important later. Gallius Rax eventually rose through the ranks of the Empire to the position of Fleet Admiral in the Imperial Navy, preparing him for his final role and his service to Palpatine in the futre. Not only did Palptine want the current Empire destroyed upon his death, but the contingency plan also called for a rebirth of the empire at a later date, by allowing a very small and secretive group of Imperial survivors to escape to the unknown regions, where they would rebuild the empire in the shadows. This small, select group of course eventually went on to form the First Order in the unknown regions, as a result of Palpatine’s plan.

After the supposed “Death” of Palpatine at the hands on Darth Vader on the SEcond death star, the Operation Cinder contingency plan was initiated very shortly after, and several Messenger Droids with the face of Palpatine being projected through them, delivered the message to top ranking imperial officials to begin the operation.

As the orders were given, these high ranking imperial officers utilized a horrible technology known as Climate Disruption arrays, which orbited the target planets, and provoked vicious storms, violent hurricanes and other horrible natural disasters which would tear a planet apart and kill everyone on its surface.

The List of planets known to be targeted by Operation Cinder on that one disgraceful day were the following:

Fondor, known for it’s massive manufcation hub and shipyards Pillio, known for it’s massive coral reefs and huge amount of aquatic species Vardos, homeworld of Iden and Garrick Versio – and also the location of the Empire’s Future Military Leaders Prep School Abednedo, known for spreading their citizens around the galaxy to a large variety of planets Candovant, an imperial world that remained loyal to the Empire hroughout the Galactic Civil war, Commenor, homeworld of Rebel General Jan Dodonna Nacronis, known for it’s raging siltstorms, Naboo, Of course the homeworld of Palpatine and Padme And finally Burnin Konn, a massive chromium mining colony, as well as the location where Mayfeld Lost so many of his fellow men.

Por Diego