Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge is an action-adventure VR experience created by ILMxLAB in collaboration with Oculus Quest that was in 2020. The experience connects to Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge that involves Batuu. It is set between the events of Episode VIII The Last Jedi and Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker and involve Black Spire Outpost.
Differently from previous VR products by ILMxLAB, Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy’s Edge transitions to storyLIVING, where players are inside a world making consequential choices that drive their experience forward, rather than the previous format of storytelling. As such, it will give players the opportunity to live their own action-packed adventure and explore parts of the galaxy. The original story features new and returning characters with multiple styles of gameplay and difficulty settings in order to accommodate a wide range of players.