The B1 Battle Droid Who Froze Clone Trooper KIX for 50 Years 1

Near the end of the Clone Wars, Clone Trooper Kix began to question the events at Ringo Vinda, where his fellow Clone Brother Tup had his inhibitor chip activated early, killing Jedi General Tiplar. After Count Dooku discovered that Kix was on the verge of figuring out the biochip conspiracy for Order 66, he Kidnapped him and placed him aboard a separatst ship in hopes to send him directly to Darth Sidious for interrogation. Command of the ship was ultimately left in the hands of one B1 Battle droid, who ultimately causes the ship to crash land on a desert planet and remain stranded for 50 years. So who was this b1 battle droid and why did his actions result in Kix being frozen all the way to the time of the new republic?

Por Diego