The Clone Wars: Covetous

The Clone Wars: Covetous is a six-page webcomic in the Star Wars: The Clone Wars webcomic series leading directly into the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode «Storm Over Ryloth.» The comic was posted on on February 262009, written by Pablo Hidalgo, and both illustrated and lettered by Grant GouldCovetous depicts the prologue to the Battle of Ryloth, seen in «Storm Over Ryloth». Separatist Council Member Passel Argente is visiting the city of Lessu on planet Ryloth, where he brings spoils to the Twi’lek broker Artruk to secure for him. Unbeknownst to Argente, however, he is being spied upon by fellow council member Wat Tambor, who decides to pillage the treasures by invading Ryloth.


Por Diego