Disney Explains BIGGEST Snoke/Palpatine Plot Hole 1

«The Age of Resistance: Supreme Leader Snoke» comic book teased the connection between Emperor Palpatine and Snoke months ago. Star Wars fans have a lot to keep up with these days to fully understand what’s happening on the big screen. The Rise of Skywalker is currently in theaters and sheds some light on Snoke’s big secret, though, like most plot points in the movie, it pretty much brushes over it, leaving fans to read the novels and comic books for more information. There are SPOILERS for The Rise of Skywalker below, so read ahead at your own risk.

As most fans now know, Star Wars 9 reveals that Emperor Palpatine was behind Snoke this entire time. We see his submerged clones in a cruddy aquarium on Exegol when Kylo Ren goes to meet Palpatine for the first time. The iconic villain then confirms he has been the evil voices in his head the entire time. For some, it really didn’t come as a shock at all. Age of Resistance: Supreme Leader Snoke writer Tom Taylor recently pointed out that most Star Wars fans missed a pretty huge hint about Snoke and Palpatine that he dropped in the comic book.

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