X-Wing: The Krytos Trap is the third installment in the X-Wing series of novels, written by Michael A. Stackpole. It was published by Bantam Spectra in October 1996. Narration for the audio version was performed by Henry Thomas. The Alliance to Restore the Republic has just captured the planet Coruscant from the hands of imperial leader Ysanne Isard. But instead of a glorious victory the Rebels discover a horrible truth; The planet’s non-Human population has been infected with a vicious disease called the Krytos virus. It can be cured by bacta, but the demand is too much for the planet to handle. Rogue Squadron is assigned to attack WarlordZsinj and his space station that contained a healthy amount of bacta that had been stolen from a deep space convoy. The assignment is difficult, maybe impossible, but in the words of Corran Horn: «Impossible is what the Rogues do best.»