Darksaber (novel)

In the Jedi Academy trilogy, Admiral Daala was forced to retreat to the Core Worlds, where some of the remaining Imperial warlords bicker over the Empire’s remaining forces in the region. Immediately thereafter, Luke Skywalker encounters Callista, a former Jedi who was trapped in the Eye of Palpatine. After being rescued, Callista is forced to take the form of one of Luke’s former students. Luke and Callista immediately fall in love and work on building the Jedi Academy, though Callista still cannot use the Force. Meanwhile, Bevel Lemelisk is searching for a new assignment, which is given to him by Durga the Hutt.

Darksaber was set eight years after the Battle of Endor, a time in which both Grand Admiral Thrawn and the resurrected Emperor were defeated, and the New Republic experienced a brief lull in conflict after the events in Children of the Jedi.


Por Diego