Galaxy of Fear: City of the Dead

Aboard the Millennium Falcon, Zak Arranda awakens from a horrific nightmare in which he, in a version of his bedroom from Alderaan floating in space, witnesses the corpse of his mother outside his window, asking why he had «left [them] behind». His cries awaken his sister, Tash, and startle Han SoloChewbacca and DV-9 («Deevee»). The nightmare awakens a sense of survivor’s guilt in Zak.

At Hoole’s insistence to find a new starship after the demise of the Lightrunner, the Arrandas and their uncle are dropped off by the Rebels on the planet Necropolis (in real life, a Greek word meaning «City of the Dead»). The planet is noted for its massive cemetery, as well as their traditions and superstitions regarding proper treatment of the dead, which includes physical burial (a practice stated by Deevee to have become outdated on many other worlds). Upon landing, the family is greeted by several Necropolitans dressed as mummies, although Zak is unnerved by this and shoves one of the greeters. They are introduced to the Master of Cerements, Pylum, as well as a Necropolitan named Kairn, who strikes up a quick friendship with Zak.


Por Diego