The Clone Wars: Secret Missions 4: Guardians of the Chiss Key

After retaking Bilbringi Depot, the Galactic Republic’s Breakout Squad finished its investigation and returned to CoruscantJedi Nuru Kungurama then met with Jedi Master Harro Kelpura to explore the alien escape pod he had been discovered in 10 years earlier. When they arrived at Kelpura’s lab in the Dacho District, they saw that Kungurama’s missing master, Ring-Sol Ambase, had gotten there first to acquire the escape pod for himself. Each believing that the other had fallen to the dark side of the Force, they conduct a duel, which ends after Ambase collapses. Afterward, Ambase recovers in the Jedi Temple‘s medical center and tells his Padawan that he was leaving the Jedi Order. Kungurama was then promoted to the full commander of Breakout Squad and assigned by Grand Master Yoda to investigate a missing freighter.


Por Diego