Rahm Kota JUST RETURNED To Canon! - Star Wars 1

So with the recent Obi-Wan Kenobi showing taking us to the desolate world of Mapuzo, and showing us the safehouses of the underground railroad for jedi survivors, we were shown a wall containing the signatures of those who passed through. On the wall was of course Quinlan Vos, who Obi-Wan called out, but there were actually many more, including a certain blind General…which are very interesting, and may have a role in the upcoming canon storylines…

So in the actual Episode of the Kenobi show where we visit the safehouse on the underground railroad, we can only make out a few Jedi names on the wall. But now with a behind the scenes reference being released, we have the full list of names. And get ready because this brings back a lot of big names from Star Wars Legends…

So first up we have Djin Altis, who led the Altisian Jedi sect, which basically split off from the main order after refusing to follow the decrees of the Jedi Council. Then Roganda ismaren, was a youngling captured by Inquisitors during the early days of the empire, but eventually rose through the ranks of the Empire’s elite, becoming a close confidant to Palpatine himself. Eventually she had a son, who she augmented with horrific cybernetics trying to overthrow Palpatine… but that too failed.

AFter that we get nichos marr, who was a Padawan during ORder 66 and went into hiding, Valin Halcyon, the father of Corran Horn, Ekria another Padawan who survived Order 66, Zonder, yet another Padawan who served alongside Ekria, Drake Lo’Gaan who basically turned the Deathsticks guy back onto the path of Deathsticks, after turning his life around thanks to obi-wan. He basically got screwed by encountering this Jedi survivor…

Finally we have Tiberius Anderlock who featured in Star Wars Galaxies, Qu Rahn from Dark forces, Fable Astin and Corwin Shelvay, who both survived the Jedi purge and became rebels, and finally the most interesting two… Cere Junda and Rahm Kota…

Por Diego