Did Obi-Wan Just Find STARKILLER'S Lightsabers on Jabiim? 1

With the release of Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5, Obi-Wan was trapped inside of a hidden base on the planet Jabiim, along with many other survivors of Order 66… Inside the base, he saw some writing on the wall with many names from STar Wars Legends, but also a crate full of Lightsabers, possibly including those of someone absolutely huge.

So anyone who’s played the Star Wars games, including obviously Force Unleashed knows who Galen Marek or Starkiller is. The Secret apprentice of Darth Vader who can pull Star Destroyers from the sky and gave his family crest as the Rebel alliance logo… Many consider him too powerful to return to the current Canon, but regardless he could be on the way back…

If you look at the lightsabers on the right of the crate, you can see one that looks eerily similar to that of Starkiller’s unique blade. You have the exposed sections in the midel, as well as the bevelled, emitter part, just like Marek’s had. It’s not exactly the same as there are a few minor variations, but it definitely looks like it could be a nod to his saber at the minimum, or the canon variant of it at the maximum…

Not to mention, Darth Vader pulled down the decoy escape ship later in the episode, a clear reference to Starkiller doing the same in the Force Unleashed, and also the dark interrogation room scene from a few episodes ago. That one was pulled straight from the Force unleashed commercial. They’re definitely building up to something, even if it’s not the full power return of Starkiller…

The return of these major characters from legends is usually built up similarly, so this isn’t too surprising… The main question left though is, why would Starkiller be among the refugees on Jabiim. The simple answer is that none of his story from the games and legends would be Canon anymore, and they’re starting from scratch in the new Canon.

Por Diego