The SAVAGE Manhunter Droid Who Escaped Into the Galaxy 1

Shortly after Luke Destroyed the Death Star, a wild and rabid Mark 7 Gladiator Droid named ‘Stabinator’ escaped from the Grakkus Fighting Arena on Nar Shadda. This arena was owned by the renowned Buff Hutt known as Grakkus, where some of the most fierce and scary fights went down.

After a droid uprising was led by an enslaved Wookie at the Arena, Stabintor was able to escape out into the wider galaxy and immediately slaughtered 15 men with a power lance in cold blood. It was said that these kills were done cleanly and with extreme precision, giving the victims no chance at survival. Stabinator had a thirst for human blood, roaming and lurking in the shadows. He was last seen prowling around Maz Kanata’s castle on Takodana, but his current whereabouts are unkown. He could be off in the outer rim slaughtering anyone who steps in his way.

Por Diego