Why Qui Gon Jinn was DESTINED to find THE CHOSEN ONE 1

The Chosen One was the central figure in the Jedi prophecy that foretold the coming of the one destined to bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith. The Chosen One was born during the era of the Galactic Republic; Anakin Skywalker, the son of Shmi Skywalker, was exceptionally strong with the Force, possessing an unprecedented level of more than twenty-thousand midi-chlorians in his blood. As a result, Skywalker had the potential to become the most powerful Jedi in galactic history. The Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious believed that Skywalker would eventually surpass both himself and Grand Master Yoda. The Father, one of the three Mortis gods, would seek to recruit Skywalker as his successor, believing that only the Chosen One had the strength to maintain the balance between his children, the Son and the Daughter in the realm of Mortis.

Discovered by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn in 32 BBY, Skywalker joined the Jedi Order and ascended to the rank of Jedi Knight following his apprenticeship under Obi-Wan Kenobi. During the Clone Wars, however through the manipulations of Palpatine, Skywalker turned to the dark side of the Force and became the Sith Lord Darth Vader in 19 BBY. He then participated in the systematic purge that rendered the Jedi virtually extinct. With the Galactic Empire rising to dominate the galaxy, Kenobi endeavored to train Vader’s offspring, Luke Skywalker, believing the prophecy would be fulfilled by the son instead of the father. However, Luke believed that his father could be turned back to the light side of the Force. During the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Vader sacrificed himself by destroying his Sith Master in order to save his son. The deaths of the last two Sith Lords fulfilled the Jedi prophecy, restoring balance to the Force. With his destiny complete, the Chosen One passed into the Force as Anakin Skywalker.

Por Diego