Grakkus the JACKED Hutt: Full Life Explained (With Luke) 1

Grakkus Jahibakti Tingi, also known as Grakkus the Hutt, was a male Hutt crime lord who lived on Nar Shaddaa during the Age of the Empire. He ruled Hutta Town, and like many other Hutt kingpins, controlled an extensive network of bounty hunters and spice smugglers. Grakkus was an avid collector of artifacts of the Jedi Order.

Grakkus was a male Hutt who was more physically active than the average Hutt. Aside from his much more muscular frame, he had a set of cybernetic legs to move in a more agile fashion. He also had an interest in collecting Jedi lore and artifacts. By 34 ABY, Grakkus’ skin had become dry and he needed regular moisture baths to keep his skin moist and healthy.

Grakkus displayed a selfish streak and was solely concerned for his own well-being and safety. He resented his long imprisonment and sought every opportunity to escape. Grakkus had a habit of breaking deals with even friends like Terex at his own whim. Despite breaking the deal, Grakkus believed that his old friendship with Terex would last. He underestimated Terex’s vindictive and ruthless nature. Grakkus liked Terex because of his criminal streak and despised «good guys» like the Resistance pilot Poe Dameron and his Black Squadron. After Poe outmaneuvered Terex, Grakkus was savvy enough to accept Black Squadron’s offer to help him escape. Grakkus’ selfish streak manifested again when he expressed indifference to Terex’s attack on the Megalox Beta space station and shuttles. He was willing to have other sentient beings die if he benefited from the situation. Poe exploited Grakkus’ selfish nature by withholding access to hyperspace coordinates until he provided the necessary information on Lor San Tekka.

Por Diego