The Jedi That Defeated and Had a Chance to Kill Darth Vader 1

Bultar Swan, a Force-sensitive human female, was a Jedi Knight during the last years of the Galactic Republic. Approximately twenty-two years before the Battle of Yavin, Swan was among the Jedi who served in Mace Windu‘s assault team on the planet Geonosis, just prior to the outbreak of the pan-galactic Clone Wars.

Bultar Swan was a female human who served the Jedi Order by the Separatist Crisis. In the year22 BBY, at a time when she was still relatively new to the rank of Jedi Knight, the Order deployed an assault team to the planetGeonosis where Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered the secret droid army of the newly-formed Confederacy of Independent Systems. Swan was among the Jedi selected to serve on the team, with Jedi MasterMace Windu of the High Council as their leader. Upon infiltrating the Petranaki Arena, Swan and her fellow Jedi attempted to rescue Kenobi—along with his Padawan, Anakin Skywalker and SenatorPadmé Amidala—but were ultimately outnumbered and surrounded by the Separatist battle droids.

During the battle, Swan fought back to back with Stass Allie. However, due to the timely arrival of Grand MasterYoda and the Grand Army of clone troopers, the Jedi were presented with a way to escape. Swan, who noticed that Yoda had arrived in a LAAT/i gunship after cutting down a B2-series super battle droid, and Allie were among the survivors who escaped from the arena and subsequently continued to participate in the opening battle of the Clone Wars.

Por Diego