What Happened to the FIRST EVER Sith Lord [FULL STORY] 1

A Force-sensitive Human, Ajunta Pall was a member of the Jedi Order following the First Great Schism. Undergoing training in the ways of the Force, Pall first attained the rank of Jedi Knight, then attained the rank of Jedi Master and began studying the ways of alchemy. Eventually through his studies, Master Pall discovered the secret of creating and shaping life; fearful of this power, the Order deemed it an abomination of the Force and sought to erase all practice of it. The Jedi High Council barred the teachings of Pall and his followers, deeming him a pawn of the dark side of the Force.

Angered by what they deemed Jedi arrogance, Master Pall and his followers declared war on the Order, beginning a century-long conflict that would be known to history as the Hundred-Year Darkness. Obtaining significant power, the now High General Pall slew more than a dozen Jedi during the final battle of the war on Corbos, but he and his fellow Dark Jedi were defeated nonetheless. Captured by his former comrades in the Jedi Order, Master Pall and his followers were stripped of their ranks and their weapons and exiled from space controlled by the Galactic Republic.

Traveling from one planet to the other in search of a habitable world, the Exiles eventually discovered Korriban on the Outer Rim. Venturing out into the wastes of the desert planet, the Exiles were intrigued upon discovering the world was home to a Force-sensitive species known as the Sith, who, while relatively primitive when compared to the Dark Jedi, were quite creative in their knowledge of the Force. The Sith, under their King Hakagram Graush, initially resisted the Dark Jedi’s attempt to obtain their knowledge and subjugate them; however, Pall managed to recruit the King’s Shadow Hand to their side, with the result that Graush was betrayed to the Dark Jedi, and Pall personally executed Graush with his own sword. Afterwards, the Sith species, in awe of Pall and his followers’ ships and technology, as well as their skills in manipulating the Force, quickly came to worship the visitors to their planet, hailing them as their gods. Pall and his followers then subjugated the natives, and his new Sith subjects revered him as their «Jen’ari,» meaning «Dark Lord.»

As the first Dark Lord of the Sith, Ajunta Pall founded the first Sith Empire and expanded it onto other worlds. The Sith took over the planet Ziost and created it as their capital and as Pall’s new home. Pall eventually died after serving the Empire for many decades, but his Empire lived on. His body was returned to Korriban, where it was placed in a massive tomb in what would come to be called the Valley of the Dark Lords.

Por Diego