Why the Occupation of Ryloth Causes the Downfall of Empire 1

Ryloth was a planet in the Ryloth system of the Outer Rim Territories, and the homeworld of the Twi’lek species. Its terrain varied, filled with jungles, mesas, valleys, and volcanoes, and had an atmosphere breathable for Twi’leks and humans alike. A forest covered its equator, filled with dangerous predators. Given the varied and dangerous terrain, Twi’leks lived in caves underground where it was safer.

A hot and humid world, Ryloth was located far out in the Outer Rim Territories, at grid square R-17 on the Standard Galactic Grid. Situated near the Corellian Run Super-hyperroute, far beyond the planets Tatooine and Geonosis, Ryloth sat towards the boundaries of Wild Space. The second in the three-world Ryloth system and orbited by five moons, whose gravitational pull affected the planet dramatically, Ryloth was located in the Gaulus sector.

Ryloth’s geology was nothing if not diverse, possessing a multitude of mountain ranges, snow plains, lush temperate forests and deserts, including the Jixuan desert, all of which were occupied by the planet’s indigenous wildlife. A portion of the planet some distance from the Jixuan desert acted as breeding grounds for the gutkurr species. Much of Ryloth’s wildlife was lethally dangerous and forced the native Twi’lek species to live in enclosed cave systems or in easily defended locations.

Por Diego