With the Kaminoans sending the renowned bounty hunter Cad Bane to hunt down and kidnap Omega, many of us believed that the deleted scenes which shows Bane taking on Boba Fett in a western standoff, had now been erased or moved to a different series. Surprisingly however, Lucasfilm have just released a new shot of Cad Bane which shows that this deleted scene most likely already happened, and Cad Bane survived a brutal shot to the head. So, lets break it down!

So after the Bad Batch season 1 episode 8, REUNION aired and brought back one of the Galaxy’s most notorious Bounty Hunter’s Cad Bane, Lucasfilm decided to release some new shots of the feared hunter, which give us some massive hints at what went down in between his last appearance in the Clone Wars and now.

Looking at the photo on screen now, you can see that Cad Bane’s new, updated model for Star Wars the Bad Batch has a very interesting new addition. On his head is his usual skullcap which is connected to his breathing tubes to prevent force chokes, but on top of that is what looks to be a new cybernetic patch, connected to the top of his skull.

If this is the case, then that would heavily imply that he did actually survive his western standoff with Boba Fett, was able to walk away from the showdown, with some pretty major medical assistance. So if when Boba Fett inevitably shows up in the Bad Batch, he already has his infamous dent in the top of his helmet, then we will know for sure that the fight has already gone down.

Por Diego