What if Obi Wan Never Discovered the Clone Army on Kamino? 1

Kamino (pronounced /kə’minoʊ/) was an aquatic planet located in an extragalactic star system that straggled south of the Rishi Maze satellite galaxy and beyond the larger galaxy. It was inhabited by the Kaminoans—a race of tall, elegant beings with long necks who were regarded as a mysterious species that tended to keep to themselves. They were also known for their cloning technology which ultimately led to the creation of a clone army for the Galactic Republic.

Kamino was a remote water planet outside the main galaxy. The world’s oceans held an abundance of life. Kamino was renowned for its science and production of clone armies and often contracted with private security forces and other clients. Receiving minimal trade, Kamino’s imports were only enough to support the planet’s population of one billion. There were many cities scattered across the surface that were built on stilts and many of them were devoted to cloning.[source?]

Kamino often experienced heavy rain and during some parts of the year was covered with heavy electrical storms. During this season, Kaminoans rode on aiwhas underwater and resurfaced once they were near their location.

Por Diego