The First Time Darth Vader Went BACK to Geonosis Arena 1

The Petranaki arena, also known as the Arena of Justice and commonly referred to as the Geonosian execution arena, was brought about by both a need for entertainment in the rigid Geonosian society, and an efficient way of disposing of otherwise resource-draining prisoners. It was named after Petranaki, a form of arena combat fighting that utilized several special weapons, including the Picador’s spear. The most popular attractions used deadly beasts in combat, resulting in the extinction of some of the more crowd-pleasing creatures on Geonosis.

Those looking to trade with Geonosis would often provide exotic predators for the arena entertainment as payment. Such creatures included acklays, nexus, reeks, and mongworsts.

The arena itself was a natural formation carved out by millennia of weathering, with additions made by the Geonosians. Its floor consisted of sand and silt upon which events took place. The lower walls of the arena base included ancient low-relief carvings depicting famous battles and events. The arena could also be flooded for aquatic events.

Por Diego