11 Stupid Star Wars Movie Mistakes You Probably Missed 1

Over 40 years ago in 1977, George Lucas created a cultural phenomenon. The phenomenon came in the form of a movie called Star Wars. Three years later, a sequel called Star Wars: Episode V- The Empire Strikes Back released and, in 1983, the third film of the original trilogy called Star Wars: Episode VI- Return of the Jedi came out.

The movies were not only critically acclaimed, but they also made a lot of money at the box office as well. Lucas would go on to make a prequel trilogy and today, filmmakers are on the last movie of the sequel trilogy. With the amount of attention Star Wars movies still get today, it is pretty rare to find someone who hasn’t at least heard of the franchise.

While everyone has their opinion on what is the best Star Wars movie, many people believe that the first three movies that make up the original trilogy are the best in the series. While these first three films have become critically acclaimed over the years, there are still small mistakes in all of the movies. Even though these errors are minute and really don’t affect the overall quality of the movies, they are still mistakes that made it into the final cut of the movies. This list consists of mistakes that are present in not only the original theatrical releases of the original trilogy, but also mistakes that were created from Lucas’ special edition and widescreen versions of these movies.

Por Diego