Everything You Missed In The Mandalorian Season 2 Episode 1 1

Everything you missed in the MANDALORIAN Season 2 Episode 1 (Chapter 9 – the Marshal), including Boba Fett and Cobb Vanth.

So The day we have all been waiting for is finally here! The Mandalorian Season 2, Episode 1 has finally been released on Disney+, and with it we finally got to see a character that so many of us have been waiting for for such a long time.

To start off the episode, we get a massive recap of all the major events from the first season of the show, just to bring us back up to speed with everything that went down.

Following this however, we are thrown straight onto the dry, sandy world which saw in the trailer, with Din Djarin strolling the dark streets with the child by his side. As he is strolling, you can also see creepy red eyes glowing in the dark corners of the street, a very awesome touch for halloween.

Following this, Din Djarin enters a very dodgy back alley building, passing a Twi’Lek bouncer, to meet the man we already saw in the trailer, Gore Keresh. Inside, the two sit down to watch two Gamorrean Fights ferociously battling to the death, while Mando attempts to extract information about a Mandalorian contract of his. Of course, the Gamorrean species was first introduced in Return of the Jedi, where they were used as guards in Jabba’s Palace, before Luke Skywalker viciously choked them out with the force.

Unfortunately, Gore Keresh isn’t too keen to hand the Mando any information about his contact, instead turning all of his henchmen on him, in hopes of stealing the shiny beskar armor right off of his back. Mando is of course having none of this, swiftly kicking Baby Yoda’s capsule away from danger, as he activates his Mandalorian whistling birds to brutally kill each of the henchmen.

Following that, Gore Karesh rushes out of the building in fear, before Mando quickly catches up to him and hangs him from a light pole demanding to know the information. Keresh of course quickly cracks under the pressure, and reveals that his Mandalorian contact is in fact in the city of Mos Pelgo, or Freetown. By the way, I predicted this exact city in my prediction video yesterday, so you guys should definitely check that out!

After the Mando leaves Gore Keresh to be viciously devoured by the red eyed creatures while hanging from the light pole, he sets off for the desert world of Tatooine, where we get a nice re appearance from the lady who repaired the Razorcrest Last season, Pelli Motto. We also of course again see the pit droids from the Phantom Menace, which did appear last season.

Immediately after this, Mando asks for the map to Mos Pelgo, to which the lovely lady calls over R5-D4, who you might remember was the droid that had a bad motivator in A New Hope.

R-5 quickly pulls up the map, before Din Djarin locates Mos Pelgo, and quickly hops on his speeder bike, rushing through the sandy dunes of Tatooine.

Eventually, the Mando reaches the Cantina, and demands the Weequay bartender give him information about the local Mandalorian.

The man who then walks into the Cantina is named Cobb Vanth, from the Aftermath series of Novels. Cobb Vanth is of course wearing the infamous armor of the prestigious bounty Hunter, Boba Fett, which is now acid scorched and damaged from his fall in to the Sarlacc pit during Return of the Jedi. This is consistent with the Aftermath novels, where Cobb Vanth was heavily implied to have the Armor of Boba Fett. For those of you don’t know, Cobb Vanth was a former slave on the planet Tatooine who had a deep, star-shaped scar carved into the skin of his back as a symbol of ownership from his slave-owners. He was introduced in the Star Wars: Aftermath Novels as a self-proclaimed lawman of Mos Pelgo, which is kept very consistent with this episode.
Din Djarin is of course furious that Cobb Vanth is wearing Mandalorian armour without being an actual Mandalorian, sparking a western standoff. Unfortunately however, a Krayt Dragon ravages the town of Mos Pelgo before they can fight, leading the two to team up to fight in back and protect the town. A huge Krayt Dragon skeleton is of course seen in a new hope, and the Scream Obi-Wan does when he appears to Luke is actually supposed to be an imitation of a Krayt dragon roar.

As the two rush through the dunes of Tatooine on their bikes bikes, you may have noticed that the engine from Anakin’s podracer from the phantom Menace is powering Cobb Vanth’s bike, how cool is that!

Por Diego