Mas Amedda electrocutes Darth Vader with Royal Guards 1

Mas Amedda was a Chagrian male politician who served in high-ranking government roles during the twilight years of the Galactic Republic and helped establish and administrate its successor state, the Galactic Empire. A native of Champala, Amedda was a talented political actor who filled the role of Vice Chair of the Galactic Senate of the Republic under two Supreme Chancellors on the capital world of Coruscant. His first chancellor, Finis Valorum, was ousted from the office following a Vote of No Confidence in his leadership during the Trade Federation‘s invasion of the Mid Rim planet Naboo. Amedda weathered the change in administration and retained his post under Valorum’s successor, Naboo’s Sheev Palpatine. He became a close associate of Palpatine’s during his two terms in office and eventually became aware of the chancellor’s alter ego as Darth Sidious, a Dark Lord of the Sith intent on reforming the Republic into an autocratic state.

Por Diego