The Last of the Jedi: Against the Empire

Trevor are in the Imperial Navy Academy on Coruscant to save Lune and is having a tough time adjusting. He can’t be kicked out before he helps the boy, after all. But after they find each other, Lune is taken as a test subject to Jenna Zan Arbor. Vader’s hired her to get her to eliminate memories. He doesn’t want to think of his past life – including Padme – anymore.

Ferus is hell-bent on revenge and uses his anger to mask his pain. He’s on a slippery slope and while he recognizes his excuses for what they are, he is okay with falling. He gets Roan’s cousin Malory to take a job at a hospital on Coruscant so that he can learn more about Vader. That’s where he realizes just how dangerous the pull of the Dark Side is. Flame proves to truly be helping the Eleven in Ussa. Clive, goes to Acherin to investigate more about her.


Por Diego