Why This is PALPATINE’S Star Destroyer Fleet and How it Survived Until Episode IX! 1

The Non-Canon Expert looks at the Canon lore that exists that could explain why the massive fleet of Imperial-class Star Destroyers seen in the recent D23 footage originates and is connected to Emperor Palpatine himself, explaining Palpatine’s knowledge prior to the Battle of Endor, his motivations for securing a powerful fleet, how he could hide such a fleet, and why it doesn’t make sense for the First Order to be connected with any Imperial-class Star Destroyers. This is a Canon theory video for Emperor Palpatine with information found within a number of Canon sources, but primarily the Aftermath trilogy (specifically «Star Wars: Aftermath: Empire’s End»), the «Star Wars: The Force Awakens: Incredible Cross-Sections» guide, and the Episode 8 novelization.

Por Diego