Will the New Clone Wars Series Blend Into Revenge of the Sith? - Jedi Council 1

Will the New Clone Wars Series Blend Into Revenge of the Sith? – Jedi Council

On today’s Jedi Council (July 26th, 2018), Kristian Harloff, Ken Napzok, and Jamie Stangroom discuss the following: Is this how Lando Calrissian might be returning in Star Wars: Episode IX? Timothy Zahn speaks about the possibility of Mara Jade appearing in Star Wars: Episode IX. Gary Whitta reveals that there was another ending for Darth Vader in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Star Wars: The Clone Wars is making its return. Disney showed off new footage at the Clone Wars 10th Anniversary Panel at SDCC. Lucasfilm unveils a slate of new Star Wars books at San Diego Comic-Con One of those new books is Master & Apprentice from Claudia Gray about Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan Kenobi The panel reviews Poe Dameron #29 and Doctor Aphra #22 Review

Will the New Clone Wars Series Blend Into Revenge of the Sith? - Jedi Council 2

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