In their most desperate hour, the members of the Resistance look to the princess who once defeated an Empire: Leia Organa.

The daughter of Senator Padmé Amidala and Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, as a baby Leia was adopted by the Royal Family of the planet Alderaan.
Years later, when she found herself at the mercy of the notorious Darth Vader—her father’s new identity— neither of them recognized the other.
However, the Skywalker blood runs in her veins, and though Leia has never been trained as a Jedi, the Force is strong with her. Rescued by Luke  Skywalker, Han Solo, and Chewbacca from captivity aboard the Death Star, Princess Leia brought the plans for the Imperial superweapon to her fellow rebels on Yavin 4.
A review of the Death Star’s technical readout revealed a flaw that the rebels exploited to great success, destroying the battlestation. Thereafter,  elevated to the position of one of the most influential leaders in the Alliance, Leia was also part of the team that played a crucial role in the destruction of the second Death Star, and the end of the Empire.

Years later, Leia was the first to warn the senate about the danger posed by the First Order’s activities. When her entreaties to the senators to put a stop to Snoke’s arms race fell on deaf ears, Leia formed the Resistance in order to oppose the First Order. General Organa knows that the Resistance is the galaxy’s only hope of restoring peace and freedom, but in order for the movement to survive, a new generation of heroes must take her place.
Preparing them for that task is Leia’s paramount duty.


Por Diego